I can't believe it has been 2 years since Mark and I took the vacation of a lifetime!
In 2012, Mark and I sailed the length of the North Atlantic Ocean in an attempt to see the world and during our month-long adventure, our lives changed.
Graduating college was a huge accomplishment for me and before I ever transferred to a university, I expressed my desire to take a BIG trip once I reached my goal of earning a bachelors degree. Mark and I saved for two years to make this dream a reality. I graduated from California State University, Fullerton in June of 2012 and on August 29th, 2012 we embarked on a spectacularly unique pilgrimage which began in England and ended in Boston, MA.
We flew out of LAX and it was our first international trip, ever (besides Mexico).
Our hotel was in the heart of London. Say hello to Westminster Abbey...
This is the infamous Big Ben!
The London Eye was right outside our door.
Our hotel had beautifully modern decor.
This made me laugh...
Authenticity at its finest!
Rest in Peace
Mark and I outside of Buckingham Palace.
Our home away from home for 16 nights, the Jewel of the Seas!
Miniature golf on the ship!
Look at that view...
Arc de triomphe in Paris, France.
Place de la Concorde in Paris, France.
The Louvre in Paris, France.
Cathédrale Notre Dame in Paris, France.
The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.
One of my favorite stops on the cruise was Weymouth. It is a sleepy little sailboat town on the English Channel. Imagine cobble stone streets, quaint cottage homes, and a lovely overcast sky.
The way into town is across a drawbridge. Every so often the bridge lifts up and lefts the small boats go through. I had never been anywhere like it before...
Selfie on the drawbridge!
My little tourist...
We are all familiar with the 99 cent store, but what about the 99 pent store?
There were so many great little shops—I may or may not have gotten slightly carried away...
They have a gorgeous beach, fully equip with my favorite kind of weather.
I am not exactly sure what this is:
Toes in the sand!
It took everything I had to not kiss each one of them.
This family was fishing for crab off the pier.
This little shop is AMAZING! They showcase various pieces of artwork from local artist. They carry everything from jewelry, canvas paintings, throw pillows, various glass sculptures, and much more.
Mark loved to look around while we were at sea. The vastness of the ocean and the fact that we were stuck in the middle of it scared and amused him all at the same time.
On the bus, about to stop in Ireland.
The beautiful countryside of Cork, Ireland.
On our way to the Blarney Castle.
The breathtaking Blarney Castle in Ireland.
The original structure was built in 1210.
The castle is about 90 ft. tall.
This is the famous Blarney Stone that people come from all over the world to kiss!
"Blarney is something more than mere flattery.
It is flattery sweetened by humor and flavored by wit."
This castle has so much character and beauty.
There are extensive gardens surrounding the castle.
We were feeling so excited to get to the top! He was on the verge of freaking out and I couldn't understand why until we got to the top...
Here are some photos of the interior of the castle:
Mark was feeling a bit claustrophobic here. The hallways were about 5 foot tall and 3 feet wide.
The view from atop the castle was unbelievable.
I have never seen so much green!
The center of the castle is hollow down to the courtyard.
If these walls could talk...
Strong and powerful
Blarney Castle
And this is why Mark was nervous to get to the top. It was the shock of a lifetime and I couldn't believe he asking me to be his wife. I had played this moment out over and over again in my head, but when it happened, I couldn't even speak. This was one of the greatest moments of my life.
The long line of people behind us was cheering and clapping in excitement! It felt like time stopped and nothing else mattered but him and I. One very kind woman took these pictures and sent them to us once we got back home.
The same diamond my dad used proposed to my mother with nearly 25 years earlier.
We're engaged!
Titanic memorial in Cork. We sailed the same path as the Titanic during our trip.
City view of Cork, Ireland.
This is the center of our boat, Jewel of the Seas.
Gearing up for another adventure.
Welcome to Dublin!
"The Custom House is a neoclassical 18th-century building in Dublin, which houses the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government."
Our trip to The Old Jameson Distillery.
Whiskey Chandelier
Old barrel bench
Makin' whiskey!
The various stages of aging Jameson.
Jameson and cranberry
Jameson straight up
Heineken building
Molly Malone—fish seller by day and prostitute by night:
In Dublin's fair city,
Where the girls are so pretty,
I first set my eyes on sweet Molly Malone,
As she wheeled her wheel-barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!"
"Alive, alive, oh,
Alive, alive, oh",
Crying "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh".
She was a fishmonger,
But sure 'twas no wonder,
For so were her father and mother before,
And they each wheeled their barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!"
She died of a fever,
And no one could save her,
And that was the end of sweet Molly Malone.
Now her ghost wheels her barrow,
Through streets broad and narrow,
Crying, "Cockles and mussels, alive, alive, oh!"
Guinness factory
The Blarney Inn was a cute little place we ate in Dublin.
We came back to our room to this—after the housekeeper learned of our engagement.
This is Scotland as we sailed by...
In deep thought...
Arriving in the Faroe Islands
Small city by the sea.
The scenery looked like a painting.
Mark is almost as tall as their homes...
The Faroe Island is unlike any place I have ever seen. It is so rich, green, and full of wonder.
The city was tiny. We walked the entire thing in less than an hour, but it was so humbling being somewhere so small in the middle of the ocean.
The mountainsides were sublime!
There were strange, yet intriguing art pieces in the streets.
They held a swap meet in the high school gym. It had about 12 tables of people selling homemade goods.
This dilapidated boat captured my attention and quickly became one of my favorite things about our trip. I wish it could tell me stories of everything it has seen.
Sailing across the Equator, this photo was taken at about 10 o'clock at night.
Loving Life!
Getting ready for our "Equator party" on the ship!
Mark couldn't help but let the beat take over. hahaha
We made it to Iceland!
On the bus, about to enter the city.
Everything was so bright and lively!
We stopped in a little cafe and I drank the best Chai Tea of my life!
Attention to detail...
My little viking.
The entire city was full of colorful artwork, like this!
They obviously have a sense of humor.
The side of a random building.
Bike post
This crazy little contraption is a public bathroom, on the corner of a busy street. You can hear everything going on around you and once you are finished and close the door, it locks and sprays cleaner everywhere to disinfect the bathroom. It was one of the most interesting things I have ever seen. So naturally, I used it....
The views were angelic.
Enjoying the Glow Party on our boat!
On our way back for round two of Iceland!
We sat by the lake for a while.
Then we ate some Icelandic pizza!
I always love seeing rainbows! It makes me feel like something good is about to happen.
My handsome man!
Enjoying our last dinner on board.
We docked in Boston where we spent the next week with Mark's Italian family—SO.MUCH.FOOD.
Walking through the streets of Boston.
This wonderful little gem:
Some of the best pizza I have ever eaten!
Such great heights
Old Scituate Lighthouse
This shoreline has a way of stealing time.
Wahlburgers had great food and I felt a little bit closer to my man crush, Mark Wahlburg,
Holocaust memorial
Lunch date at the Union Oyster House!
Mark's family!
The Old North Church.
"It is the oldest standing church building in Boston and is a National Historic Landmark."
Hanging out at Harvard Square!
Our trip to Old Sturbridge Village:
"Old Sturbridge Village is a living museum located in Sturbridge, Massachusetts, in the United States, which re-creates life in rural New England during the 1790s through 1830s."
Visiting Uncle Dick's barber shop!
We also visited the Mayflower II!
"Mayflower II is a replica of the 17th-century ship Mayflower, celebrated for transporting the Pilgrims to the New World."
"Mayflower II is a square-rigged vessel that is about 25 feet wide and 106 feet long, displacing 236 tons of water."
Plymouth Rock!
Plimoth Plantation
"Plimoth Plantation is a living museum in Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA, that shows the original settlement of the Plymouth Colony established in the 17th century by English colonists, some of whom later became known as Pilgrims."
Moby Dick's in Cape Cod. The BEST seafood I have ever eaten!
Clam Chowder
Crab Cake
Lobster Bake
One happy camper!
This made ME one happy camper!
Adams National Historical Park
"Adams National Historical Park, formerly Adams National Historic Site, in Quincy, Massachusetts, preserves the home of Presidents of the United States John Adamsand John Quincy Adams, of U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain, Charles Francis Adams, and of the writers and historians Henry Adams and Brooks Adams."

Going through all of these pictures again really made me miss this vacation! Obviously, having the freedom to travel and explore outstanding parts of the world at our leisure was truly beautiful, but I think the thing I miss most about this trip is the way it felt. The way we felt. We didn't have a care in the world and we were both on cloud nine from our engagement. On our way home from Boston I cried on the airplane. I so desperately wanted to continuing living in our fantasy life where we didn't have work, school, bills, and responsibilities to come home to. Unfortunately, that isn't reality and so many wonderful things did happen once we came home. We got married, adopted our son (our dog, Domino), both got new jobs, and are currently trying to have a baby and save for a house. For now I will just have to cherish the flawless memories that this trip provided me with. I hope to do it again—or something similar—some day... soon. I am passionate about traveling and this trip gave me an entirely new perspective and appreciation for how wonderful and beautiful the world is. I hope to see as much of it as I can (afford) in my lifetime.
Mark, just say the words and we'll go!